about us / Who We Are / Technical Advisory Committee

Technical Advisory Committee

The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) advises ERB staff on technical aspects in support of ERB's Admissions and Achievement programs. The TAC serves as a sounding board to review validity-related considerations in test design, as well as to ensure that ERB's Test Development, Psychometrics, and Research functions are conducted in accordance with best practices in the assessment field.

Susan M. Brookhart, Ph.D.
Susan M. Brookhart, Ph.D.
Professor Emerita, Duquesne University
Sara J. Finney, Ph.D.
Sara J. Finney, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology and Senior Assessment Specialist, James Madison University
Kurt F. Geisinger, Ph.D.
Kurt F. Geisinger, Ph.D.
W.C. Meierhenry Distinguished Professor and Director of the Buros Center for Testing, University of Nebraska
 D. Betsy McCoach, Ph.D.
D. Betsy McCoach, Ph.D.
Professor and Chair of the Measurement, Evaluation and Assessment Program, University of Connecticut
 Stephen G. Sireci, Ph.D.
Stephen G. Sireci, Ph.D.
Distinguished University Professor and Director of the Center for Educational Assessment, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Ric Luecht, Ph.D.
Ric Luecht, Ph.D.
Professor of Educational Research at UNC-Greensboro

Stay in touch

ERB and EMA continue to progress on their path to merge.