ERB launched its Check-In Survey in 2022. As important as it is to monitor academic progress, the extent to which a student is able to learn fully to their potential will likely remain a mystery without also understanding how they experience the school culture. […] read more
As with any challenge to the value and integrity of schools, this is an opportunity to reaffirm our core commitments as educators. Teaching about the Middle East is part of the educational mission of schools […] read more
Spring is an ideal part of the year to sequester some good thinking time in order to reflect on what has worked well during the past year, along with what could have gone better. Be unsparing. Take notes. Then set it aside for at least the first half of the summer. […] read more
The respective roles of Board and leadership in upholding excellence and driving change are best maintained through proactive transparency. […] read more
ERB has developed a Whole Child Solution that combines insights into a student’s academic performance with an understanding of their sense of belonging and engagement in the school community. […] read more
The core issue teachers need to consider is this: If writing in the future will be a collaboration between a human and an AI program, then what writing-related skills does a student need to develop? […] read more
“Each child is a physical, mental and spiritual being, interlocked and intertwined, with each dimension significantly affecting the other two.” William Litterick More than 50 years ago, ERB President William Litterick wrote that assessments of learning must focus on “what children are rather than what they are not. … Each child is a physical, mental and spiritual being, interlocked and intertwined, with each dimension significantly affecting the other two.” Today we call this a whole child perspective, one that recognizes the connections between a student’s sense of self-worth, their sense of belonging in the school community, and the likelihood of […] read more
The impact of the COVID pandemic on student learning continues to provoke expressions of deep concern. In this paper, we use ERB test data to compare the impact on student learning from the initial closure of schools in March 2020 versus the impact on learning from the most recently concluded 2021-22 school year. The initial impact on student learning due to school closures in March 2020 was significant, ranging from 30% to 50% in the rate of student learning growth on different CTP subtests. By end of the 2021-22 school year, however, overall student growth rates on CTP subject tests […] read more
The impact of the COVID pandemic on student learning continues to provoke expressions of deep concern. In this paper, we use ERB test data to compare the impact on student learning from the initial closure of schools in March 2020 versus the impact on learning from the most recently concluded 2021-22 school year. The initial impact on student learning due to school closures in March 2020 was significant, ranging from 30% to 50% in the rate of student learning growth on different CTP subtests. By end of the 2021-22 school year, however, overall student growth rates on CTP subject tests […] read more
The impact of the COVID pandemic on student learning continues to provoke expressions of deep concern. In this paper, we use ERB test data to compare the impact on student learning from the initial closure of schools in March 2020 versus the impact on learning from the most recently concluded 2021-22 school year. The initial impact on student learning due to school closures in March 2020 was significant, ranging from 30% to 50% in the rate of student learning growth on different CTP subtests. By end of the 2021-22 school year, however, overall student growth rates on CTP subject tests […] read more
As an educator, assessment data can help inform your decision-making, support your reaccreditation efforts, and help you develop a culture of continuous improvement. […] read more
The findings of an ERB pilot study of more than 2,000 students offer important lessons for educators and school leaders as they build and iterate social and emotional skill development programs. […] read more
During the 2022-2023 school year, 14 ERB member schools piloted the Check-In Survey with over 2,000 students in grades 4-8. The study revealed both persistent challenges and powerful takeaways for educators. […] read more
Independent schools are non-profit, mission-driven institutions governed by a board of trustees and funded by tuition and charitable contributions. […] read more