Launched in May 2024, MyERB makes it easy for members to access the information and tools they need for assessment administration, data interpretation, account management, event registration, and much more. […] read more
In addition to assessments and measures of student well-being and social-emotional skills, we offer a range of resources and services to help educators and families extract actionable insights from assessment data. […] read more
At ERB, we want to help you not only collect data from assessments and other measurement tools but also analyze and interpret those data to inform your decision-making. So, where do you start? […] read more
As a member-driven organization, we’re committed to providing professional development services to better meet our members’ needs and support them in their use of ERB’s products and services. […] read more
Managing your contacts within ERB’s Member Profile is simple and ensures that you and your colleagues are receiving the information you need from ERB. Go to for a quick guide on the difference between contacts and user roles, and how to create, edit, and deactivate contacts. […] read more
ERB member schools and new contacts added to your ERB account will receive critical communications from ERB. This includes the monthly Insights Newsletter and important program or account updates. If you would like to make changes to this and select which communications you receive from ERB, please be sure to update your preferences in the communication preferences section of your member profile here. Below is a list of the communications we send: Membership – You are automatically opted in to receive important account information and updates, and cannot remove yourself from this, however you can unsubscribe yourself to further updates […] read more
The PEG AI-powered scoring algorithm offers real-time, actionable feedback that helps students revise and refine their work effectively. […] read more
We’ve compiled a list of tips and strategies to help enhance your communication with parents and families before achievement testing begins. […] read more
The core issue teachers need to consider is this: If writing in the future will be a collaboration between a human and an AI program, then what writing-related skills does a student need to develop? […] read more
To help families understand the “bigger picture” behind their child’s assessment data, we are launching ERB Family Report to empower educators to present this information—including key findings and next steps—in a simple, digestible format. […] read more