
More Than Academics: The Value of Measuring Student Well-Being and Social-Emotional Growth in Schools

By Jen Reisinger / August 6, 2024

Why is it important for schools to understand student well-being and their social-emotional competencies? Mental Health Consultant Jen Reisenger weighs in on our blog. […] read more

Making Sense of Your Assessment Data: How ERB Supports Schools

By ERB Team / March 14, 2024

In addition to assessments and measures of student well-being and social-emotional skills, we offer a range of resources and services to help educators and families extract actionable insights from assessment data. […] read more

Examining the Factors That Impact Social and Emotional Skills: Data from ERB SelfWise

By ERB Team / September 29, 2023

The findings of an ERB pilot study of more than 2,000 students offer important lessons for educators and school leaders as they build and iterate social and emotional skill development programs. […] read more

5 Students, 5 Stories: What a Whole Child Perspective Reveals About Student Potential

By Tom Rochon / August 30, 2023

ERB Whole Child data visualizations provide a holistic snapshot of each student, offering insight into the factors that may foster or impede each students’ academic growth. […] read more

Our Whole Child Perspective on the School Mission

By Tom Rochon / August 30, 2023

ERB has developed a Whole Child Solution that combines insights into a student’s academic performance with an understanding of their sense of belonging and engagement in the school community. […] read more

Testing Options During COVID

By ERB Team / January 13, 2022

With the recent surge in COVID cases, we know you may be considering changes to your testing plans as a result of the varying conditions in your community. We want you to know that our Member Services Directors, and ERB, are here to help and can support you and your community in the following ways: Safe and Convenient At-Home Testing – At-home testing options for CTP, Milestones, and SEL Insights. Quicker Interim Testing – Use our Milestones Assessment in lieu of CTP’s full battery. Complimentary SEL Education Tools – Enjoy one month of free access to our SEL Insights Curriculum. Contact your Member […] read more

Latest Reading

Spring 2024 CTP Norms Updates: What to Expect This Reporting Cycle

Comprehensive Testing Program (CTP) norms are updated annually for each reporting cycle (fall and spring). These “rolling norms,” as they are often called, are calculated after gathering three years of data, and in the fourth year, deleting the earliest year and adding data from the most recent administration. […] read more

You’ve Collected Your School’s Assessment Data. Now What?

At ERB, we want to help you not only collect data from assessments and other measurement tools but also analyze and interpret those data to inform your decision-making. So, where do you start? […] read more

6 Reasons to Attend an ERB Connections Regional Conference

Driven by the broader theme of “Connections: Impacting the Learning Landscape Through Data and Insight,” our regional conferences enable educators to explore data-driven insights and understand the importance of supporting the whole child at school and in the classroom. […] read more

An Equitable Approach to Test Prep and Practice: How Can We Level the Playing Field?

As a member-driven organization that supports equity in assessment, ERB partnered with Test Innovators to level the playing field for all students by providing free test practice for all ISEE fee-waiver recipients. […] read more

ERB and EMA are excited to announce their intent to merge.