Webinars and Events

6 Reasons to Attend an ERB Connections Regional Conference

By ERB Team / February 1, 2024

Driven by the broader theme of “Connections: Impacting the Learning Landscape Through Data and Insight,” our regional conferences enable educators to explore data-driven insights and understand the importance of supporting the whole child at school and in the classroom. […] read more

Announcing Educational Services: New Professional Development Events and Resources

By Kelly Bornmann / August 24, 2023

As a member-driven organization, we’re committed to providing professional development services to better meet our members’ needs and support them in their use of ERB’s products and services. […] read more

ERB Conference 2023 to Feature New Tools that Support Whole Child Education

By Tom Rochon / March 2, 2023

“Each child is a physical, mental and spiritual being, interlocked and intertwined, with each dimension significantly affecting the other two.” William Litterick More than 50 years ago, ERB President William Litterick wrote that assessments of learning must focus on “what children are rather than what they are not.  … Each child is a physical, mental and spiritual being, interlocked and intertwined, with each dimension significantly affecting the other two.” Today we call this a whole child perspective, one that recognizes the connections between a student’s sense of self-worth, their sense of belonging in the school community, and the likelihood of […] read more

2023 Virtual Office Hours

By Melissa Lachman / December 22, 2022

Join ERB’s Member Services Directors for a series of virtual office hours to help you learn and maximize your use of ERB’s products and services. These full-length webinars will last 45-60 minutes, providing participants with the tools they need to maximize the use of our products and services to inform curriculum and instruction and support student learning and growth. Sessions will be recorded for future reference. Wed., January 18 11:30 am ET / 8:30 am PT ERB’s Conference is back! Connections: Previewing ERB’s Upcoming Conference and Why you should be there! Be sure to register for our January webinar to […] read more

Fall 2022 Virtual Office Hours

By Melissa Lachman / August 12, 2022

Join ERB’s Member Services Directors for a series of virtual office hours to help you learn and maximize your use of ERB’s products and services. These full-length webinars will last 45-60 minutes, providing participants with the tools they need to maximize the use of our products and services to inform curriculum and instruction and support student learning and growth. Sessions will be recorded for future reference. Wed., September 14 12:00 pm ET / 9:00 am PT September Virtual Office Hours: Welcome Back to ERB! This session oriented new members/users to the various ERB portals, Member Profile, and Help resources and […] read more

Fall 2022 Mini Webinar Series

By Melissa Lachman / August 10, 2022

Join ERB’s Member Services Directors for a series of mini webinars to help you learn and maximize your use of ERB’s products and services.  Each mini webinar will last 15-20 minutes and introduce you to one of ERB’s products or services. Sessions will be recorded for future reference. Tues., August 30 12:00 pm ET / 9:00 am PT MSD Mini: SEL This mini webinar focused on ERB’s SEL Insights program! Wed., August 31 11:00 am ET / 8:00 am PT MSD Mini: ERB Writing This mini webinar focused on ERB’s Writing Practice (formerly known as WPP)! Thurs., September 1 12:00 […] read more

Virtual Office Hours: Understanding ERB’s Updated CTP Norms

By ERB Team / April 8, 2022

On March 22, 2022 Glenn Milewski, Chief Program Officer at ERB, and Jason Lasnetski, Senior Member Services Director, discussed the newly updated Independent School and Association Norms that have been released for Spring. Glenn and Jason discussed which norms were updated, changes to how norms are calculated, and the impact we saw from Covid. Read the full blog post… Read Glenn Milewski and Adrienne Hu’s full explanation of the updated CTP norms. […] read more

Leveraging Data from ERB’s Suite of Assessments Educator Roundtable

By ERB Team / March 15, 2022

Webinar Recap Last month we sat down for a roundtable discussion with fellow educators discussing how they are using assessment data to inform curriculum and instruction. ERB’s Member Services Directors and guest speakers from Member Schools discussed how they are accessing and leveraging data from ERB’s tools to meet their school’s needs. Watch the full webinar recording here or below. […] read more


By ERB Team / March 15, 2022

Tuesday, March 22 11:30 am ET / 8:30 am PT Understanding ERB’s Updated Norms Please join us for a conversation between Glenn Milewski, Chief Program Officer at ERB, and Jason Lasnetski, Senior Member Services Director about the newly updated Independent School and Association Norms that have been released for Spring. Glenn and Jason will be discussing which norms were updated, changes to how norms are calculated, and the impact we saw from Covid. Watch a recording of this webinar here. Tagged in: […] read more

Explore ERB’s Professional Development Opportunities

By ERB Team / February 7, 2022

Available Professional Development Workshops ERB provides professional development and speakers for schools, parent events, and conferences on a range of topics relating to data, insight, assessment, and social-emotional learning. Available workshops include: “Maximizing 360 Access” “Report Interpretation and Analysis 101” “Advanced Report Interpretation and Analysis” “Data Deep Dive: A Custom Look at Your Schools Data” ‘Finding the Sweet Spot: Maximizing the Use of Data to Gain Insight into Student Ability and Achievement” “Talking to Parents about Data” “Effectively Using Your Data: Creating Teacher Buy-In” “Social-Emotional Learning: Using Data and Programming to Develop Healthy Schools” We are also available for customized […] read more

Latest Reading

Using the Check-In Survey to Enhance Student Growth

ERB launched its Check-In Survey in 2022. As important as it is to monitor academic progress, the extent to which a student is able to learn fully to their potential will likely remain a mystery without also understanding how they experience the school culture. […] read more

The Power of ISEE Data at The Pingry School: A Nearly Century-Long Partnership with ERB

At The Pingry School in New Jersey, ISEE is a critical tool to help staff identify the students most likely to thrive from a vast applicant pool, support enrollment, and refine admission processes that promote fairness and equity. […] read more

MyERB: Introducing the New ERB Member Experience

Launched in May 2024, MyERB makes it easy for members to access the information and tools they need for assessment administration, data interpretation, account management, event registration, and much more. […] read more

ERB and Kahoot! Forge Partnership to Enhance Student Learning Experiences

ERB, a not-for-profit trusted leader in K-12 assessment and data-driven insights for independent school educators and families, and Kahoot!, a global leader in interactive learning and engagement, announced a partnership to elevate the teaching and learning experience for educators and students. […] read more

ERB and EMA are excited to announce their intent to merge.