
Classrooms of Joyful Writers: The Importance of Writing Instruction and Where to Start

By Jen McPartland / September 10, 2024

Conveying a clear message, defending one’s point of view, and presenting new ideas in a creative form are all key aspects of developing your voice as a writer. […] read more

How the AI-Driven PEG Scoring Algorithm Can Improve Student Writing

By ERB Team / August 10, 2023

The PEG AI-powered scoring algorithm offers real-time, actionable feedback that helps students revise and refine their work effectively. […] read more

What Is to Be Done? Teaching Writing in the Era of AI

By Tom Rochon / July 17, 2023

The core issue teachers need to consider is this: If writing in the future will be a collaboration between a human and an AI program, then what writing-related skills does a student need to develop? […] read more

Ahead of the Curve: How PEG™ Has Led Automated Scoring for Years

By Glenn Milewski / August 29, 2022

What is PEG™? PEG, or Project Essay Grade, is the automated scoring system at the core of ERB Writing Practice.  It was invented in the 1960s by Ellis Batten Page, a former high school English teacher, who spent “many long weekends sifting through stacks of papers wishing for some help.” His guiding principles? 1) the more we write, the better writer we become, and 2) computers can grade as reliably as their human counterparts (Page, 2003).  The state of computers at the time of Page’s invention did not leave much room for automation, so PEG lay dormant until the mid-1980s.  […] read more

ERB Launches Writing Practice

By ERB Team / August 12, 2022

ERB has launched Writing Practice with new design, functionality, and enhanced features to help students improve their writing skills with instant, actionable feedback. A robust library of prompts and lessons saves educators time while providing students unlimited opportunities to practice writing. […] read more

Latest Reading

6 Reasons to Attend an ERB Connections Regional Conference

Driven by the broader theme of “Connections: Impacting the Learning Landscape Through Data and Insight,” our regional conferences enable educators to explore data-driven insights and understand the importance of supporting the whole child at school and in the classroom. […] read more

An Equitable Approach to Test Prep and Practice: How Can We Level the Playing Field?

As a member-driven organization that supports equity in assessment, ERB partnered with Test Innovators to level the playing field for all students by providing free test practice for all ISEE fee-waiver recipients. […] read more

The Power of Transparency with Your Board of Trustees

The respective roles of Board and leadership in upholding excellence and driving change are best maintained through proactive transparency. […] read more

What’s the First Step in Leading Curricular Change? It Might Be a Curriculum Audit

When conducted thoroughly, a curriculum audit will help you provide a clear picture of how well your curriculum aligns with your school’s mission, the latest educational standards, and published statements about your program.  […] read more

ERB and EMA are excited to announce their intent to merge.