ISEE Testing Options During COVID


ERB is here to help navigate these uncertain times.

We know that the recent Covid surge is causing disruptions. ERB is here to help navigate these uncertain times. If you have test events scheduled in the next few weeks/months, we want to work with you to consider options for moving forward. 

Option One 

ERB can take over!  ERB Administered ISEE At Home is a great option.  Responding to feedback from our member schools, ERB is adding 3 special dates—across all 3 time zones—for ERB proctored ISEE At Home.

  • Saturday, January 15, 2022
  • Saturday, January 22, 2022
  • Saturday, January 29, 2022

For these dates only, the cost for registration will be $140 (as opposed to $200) and there will be no rescheduling fees associated with these dates.  If your school is considering or has already canceled in-person test events, please encourage your families to register for these special ERB proctored dates.

Option Two 

​​​​If you can be flexible, we can be flexible! For example, postponing testing events in the coming weeks can allow extra time for the situation to improve. This might require flexibility in admission deadlines/timelines.

Option Three 

Now is a good time to consider switching to School Administered ISEE At Home.  We will work with you to set up and manage this option. 

Option Four 

Get creative—test outside under tents, spread applicants out in smaller groups, etc.

Option Five 

Prometric Testing Centers—always an available option.

Option Six 

Other—please let us know if you have other thoughts/plans!​​​​​​​​ If you have already decided what you will do and have reached out to me or ISEE Operations, thank you! 

If you would like to discuss any of these options, please contact ISEE Operations at  1 (800) 446-0320 to make necessary adjustments. I am also available to work through these options and answer any questions you may have. My contact information is below.

As always, we are happy to partner with you as we work through these challenging times.

Molly Moore Green
Senior Director, Admission Programs

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