Introduction ERB is excited to announce a new feature in 360 Access for CTP and Milestones reporting. Schools now have the ability to create Groups of students for reporting purposes directly in 360 Access instead of creating Groups in the original Group Management feature in Member Profile. Any existing Groups you created in Member Profile will automatically migrate to the new 360 Access feature. Going forward, you will manage all Groups in 360 Access. The Group Management functionality in Member Profile will be turned off at the end of this school year, on June 30, 2022. Groups can be created […] read more
Available Professional Development Workshops ERB provides professional development and speakers for schools, parent events, and conferences on a range of topics relating to data, insight, assessment, and social-emotional learning. Available workshops include: “Maximizing 360 Access” “Report Interpretation and Analysis 101” “Advanced Report Interpretation and Analysis” “Data Deep Dive: A Custom Look at Your Schools Data” ‘Finding the Sweet Spot: Maximizing the Use of Data to Gain Insight into Student Ability and Achievement” “Talking to Parents about Data” “Effectively Using Your Data: Creating Teacher Buy-In” “Social-Emotional Learning: Using Data and Programming to Develop Healthy Schools” We are also available for customized […] read more
As with any challenge to the value and integrity of schools, this is an opportunity to reaffirm our core commitments as educators. Teaching about the Middle East is part of the educational mission of schools […] read more
Spring is an ideal part of the year to sequester some good thinking time in order to reflect on what has worked well during the past year, along with what could have gone better. Be unsparing. Take notes. Then set it aside for at least the first half of the summer. […] read more
In addition to assessments and measures of student well-being and social-emotional skills, we offer a range of resources and services to help educators and families extract actionable insights from assessment data. […] read more
Comprehensive Testing Program (CTP) norms are updated annually for each reporting cycle (fall and spring). These “rolling norms,” as they are often called, are calculated after gathering three years of data, and in the fourth year, deleting the earliest year and adding data from the most recent administration. […] read more