After two years of administration, ERB determined that it collected sufficient data to construct norms based on actual Milestones test-takers. These norms better reflect students’ performance on Milestones and are more useful to members interpreting results. […] read more
Introduction ERB is excited to announce a new feature in 360 Access for CTP and Milestones reporting. Schools now have the ability to create Groups of students for reporting purposes directly in 360 Access instead of creating Groups in the original Group Management feature in Member Profile. Any existing Groups you created in Member Profile will automatically migrate to the new 360 Access feature. Going forward, you will manage all Groups in 360 Access. The Group Management functionality in Member Profile will be turned off at the end of this school year, on June 30, 2022. Groups can be created […] read more
Comprehensive Testing Program (CTP) norms are updated annually for each reporting cycle (fall and spring). These “rolling norms,” as they are often called, are calculated after gathering three years of data, and in the fourth year, deleting the earliest year and adding data from the most recent administration. […] read more
At ERB, we want to help you not only collect data from assessments and other measurement tools but also analyze and interpret those data to inform your decision-making. So, where do you start? […] read more
Driven by the broader theme of “Connections: Impacting the Learning Landscape Through Data and Insight,” our regional conferences enable educators to explore data-driven insights and understand the importance of supporting the whole child at school and in the classroom. […] read more
As a member-driven organization that supports equity in assessment, ERB partnered with Test Innovators to level the playing field for all students by providing free test practice for all ISEE fee-waiver recipients. […] read more