Browser Update for Comprehensives Testing For online Comprehensives testing, an updated version of the Windows Secure Browser is available. The current version is If you are running a previous version, no action is needed. Your secure browser will automatically update to the current version the next time it is launched. If you would prefer to manually update to the current version, download it at For questions or assistance, please contact CTP Operations at (866) 683-2335 or (646) 503-2699. Tagged in: […] read more
Conveying a clear message, defending one’s point of view, and presenting new ideas in a creative form are all key aspects of developing your voice as a writer. […] read more
By bringing together the expertise, data insights, and professional tools of ERB and EMA, the new organization will build an even more vibrant community of champions for transformational student journeys. […] read more
Interim assessments give educators and school leaders the touchpoints they need to assess individual, class, and grade-level performance, allowing them to adapt curricula and offer additional support throughout the school year. […] read more
Instead of avoiding discourse surrounding the U.S. presidential election, schools should stake out a higher ground rooted in their educational mission, writes ERB President Tom Rochon. […] read more