Available Professional Development Workshops ERB provides professional development and speakers for schools, parent events, and conferences on a range of topics relating to data, insight, assessment, and social-emotional learning. Available workshops include: “Maximizing 360 Access” “Report Interpretation and Analysis 101” “Advanced Report Interpretation and Analysis” “Data Deep Dive: A Custom Look at Your Schools Data” ‘Finding the Sweet Spot: Maximizing the Use of Data to Gain Insight into Student Ability and Achievement” “Talking to Parents about Data” “Effectively Using Your Data: Creating Teacher Buy-In” “Social-Emotional Learning: Using Data and Programming to Develop Healthy Schools” We are also available for customized […] read more
Instead of avoiding discourse surrounding the U.S. presidential election, schools should stake out a higher ground rooted in their educational mission, writes ERB President Tom Rochon. […] read more
Why is it important for schools to understand student well-being and their social-emotional competencies? Mental Health Consultant Jen Reisenger weighs in on our blog. […] read more
ERB launched its Check-In Survey in 2022. As important as it is to monitor academic progress, the extent to which a student is able to learn fully to their potential will likely remain a mystery without also understanding how they experience the school culture. […] read more
At The Pingry School in New Jersey, ISEE is a critical tool to help staff identify the students most likely to thrive from a vast applicant pool, support enrollment, and refine admission processes that promote fairness and equity. […] read more