Browser Update for Comprehensives Testing For online Comprehensives testing, an updated version of the Windows Secure Browser is available. The current version is If you are running a previous version, no action is needed. Your secure browser will automatically update to the current version the next time it is launched. If you would prefer to manually update to the current version, download it at For questions or assistance, please contact CTP Operations at (866) 683-2335 or (646) 503-2699. Tagged in: […] read more
In addition to assessments and measures of student well-being and social-emotional skills, we offer a range of resources and services to help educators and families extract actionable insights from assessment data. […] read more
Comprehensive Testing Program (CTP) norms are updated annually for each reporting cycle (fall and spring). These “rolling norms,” as they are often called, are calculated after gathering three years of data, and in the fourth year, deleting the earliest year and adding data from the most recent administration. […] read more
At ERB, we want to help you not only collect data from assessments and other measurement tools but also analyze and interpret those data to inform your decision-making. So, where do you start? […] read more
Driven by the broader theme of “Connections: Impacting the Learning Landscape Through Data and Insight,” our regional conferences enable educators to explore data-driven insights and understand the importance of supporting the whole child at school and in the classroom. […] read more