Updated WrAP Manuals Now on Portal


Updated manuals for WrAP testing are now available on the home page and under the Resources tab.

Related Reading

Learning Restoration in the COVID Era: A Study of NAIS Member Schools

The impact of the COVID pandemic on student learning continues to provoke expressions of deep concern. In this paper, we use ERB test data to compare the impact on student learning from the initial closure […] read more

How to Interpret the New Milestones Norms

After two years of administration, ERB determined that it collected sufficient data to construct norms based on actual Milestones test-takers. These norms better reflect students’ performance on Milestones and are more useful to members interpreting results. […] read more

All About the Data – Understanding CTP Norms

As the 2022-2023 school year gets underway, we want to update you on the latest with CTP norms and explain how we developed the current CTP norms in relation to pre and post-pandemic data. […] read more

Ahead of the Curve: How PEG™ Has Led Automated Scoring for Years

What is PEG™? PEG, or Project Essay Grade, is the automated scoring system at the core of ERB Writing Practice.  It was invented in the 1960s by Ellis Batten Page, a former high school English […] read more

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ERB and EMA are excited to announce their intent to merge.