educators / check-in survey

student well-being

Check-In Survey

for Grades 3-12
The Check-In Survey enables schools to quickly evaluate student attitudes about their emotional well-being, academic engagement, and fairness and belonging in their school community. The survey enables schools to monitor progress over time, fosters a supportive student growth tool, and offers the option to include additional items tailored to their students and the school community.
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Gauge Student Well-Being and School Climate with the Check-In Survey

The brief online survey is untimed and quick to administer, taking about 10 minutes for students to complete, and can be administered multiple times throughout the school year.

Administer a Survey Informed by Research

Inspired by Character Lab’s Student Thriving Index, the Check-In Survey is a credible, reliable tool for comprehensive insights into student well-being in the school community.

Identify Individual Student Support Needs

The Check-In Survey tool, with data reporting available in 360 Access, enables schools to leverage the power of data insights to identify specific students in need of additional support.

Access Resources to Support Student Growth

The survey offers educators access to Character Lab’s creditable resources, empowering them to address student well-being effectively based on the insights derived from the results.

Discover Trends in School Culture and Climate

Educators can get a comprehensive view of student results and data in 360 Access, enabling them to make informed decisions about targeted interventions and improvements in the school.

What the Check-In Survey Measures

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Emotional Well-Being

The statements in this section focus on overall happiness and stress levels and measure how students feel about daily interactions with their peers and the school community.

Academic Engagement

The statements in this section of the survey focus on the student’s overall interest and drive to succeed academically in a positive school environment, as well as their engagement in the classroom.

Fairness and Belonging

These statements focus on the perception of a fair and inclusive school environment, including students' sense of belonging, if they feel they are being treated fairly, and their comfort level with being their authentic selves.


Emotional Well-Being

The statements in this section focus on overall happiness and stress levels and measure how students feel about daily interactions with their peers and the school community.


Academic Engagement

The statements in this section of the survey focus on the student’s overall interest and drive to succeed academically in a positive school environment, as well as their engagement in the classroom.


Fairness and Belonging

These statements focus on the perception of a fair and inclusive school environment, including students' sense of belonging, if they feel they are being treated fairly, and their comfort level with being their authentic selves.

Whole child. Whole potential.

With the ERB Whole Child Solution, you can bundle our assessments of learning achievement (CTP + Milestones) with our Check-In Survey on student well-being at school and SelfWise, our student self-report inventory on social and emotional skills.

Check-In Survey Modules

Your school can add Mission-Aligned Modules and Custom Modules to the Check-In Survey, alongside the 15 core items covering Emotional Well-Being, Academic Engagement, and Fairness and Belonging.

Mission-Aligned Modules

Mission-Aligned Modules consist of an additional five prewritten items customized to a school’s mission so you can gather data insights that document mission success.

Custom Modules

A custom module consists of an additional set of survey items developed by your school so you can collect unique data insights that align with a school’s vision and mission.

Available Mission-Aligned Modules

Check-In Survey offers a variety of Mission-Aligned Modules that can be included along with the existing 15 items on the core survey. Each module is comprised of five statements.

Our Partnership with Character Lab

ERB partnered with Character Lab to deploy elements of its Student Thriving Index in the 15-item Check-In Survey available to ERB member schools.
The two organizations share de-identified information from their respective surveys to collaborate on research into the factors influencing student well-being and the connection between well-being and academic achievement.
Character Lab is a nonprofit organization that connects researchers with educators to create greater knowledge about the conditions that lead to social, emotional, academic, and physical well-being for young people throughout the country.
Character Lab was founded in 2013 by Angela Duckworth, author of Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance and Rosa Lee and Egbert Chang Professor at the University of Pennsylvania; Dave Levin, co-founder of KIPP public charter schools; and Dominic Randolph, Head of School at Riverdale Country School.

"The data backs up what we already knew through observation and conversations with parents and students. But I think it also gives us insight into what we may not have known. It's one more way to try and see the child as a whole person and, if there is an issue, get to the root of it through counseling and maybe even just time with the teacher.”

Karen Spencer, Assistant Division Head for Grades 1-8, Parkview Baptist School

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ERB and EMA continue to progress on their path to merge.