isee at home / test security and privacy agreement

Test Security and Privacy Agreement

Proctors of the Independent School Entrance Exam (ISEE) by ERB agree to the below set of terms and conditions regarding test security and student privacy. Proctors should review the below agreement prior to administering the exam, as instructed in the ISEE At Home Administration Guide for Proctors. By proceeding through each test administration, proctors signify their agreement with these terms.

ISEE At Home

Test Security and Privacy Agreement
As an ISEE At Home exam administrator, you acknowledge that you will have access to the Independent School Entrance Exam (ISEE) and/or the school administered ISEE at home remote proctoring service and related data for the purpose of administering the ISEE.  These materials and related information are highly confidential and secure.  By administering the ISEE, you agree that it is your professional responsibility to protect security and privacy as follows:
  1. I will not divulge the contents of the test or any test materials, generally or specifically, to anyone.
  2. I will not copy any part of the test or directions.
  3. I will limit access to the test materials by examinees only to actual testing periods.
  4. I confirm that I am not participating in ISEE preparation courses either inside or outside the school and do not have any conflict of interest.
  5. I will not use any personally identifiable information (“PII”), including any student identification, date of birth, or parent/ guardian information, for purposes other than administering the test, whether online or in person, and will use my best efforts to protect the privacy and security of PII and test materials, including not disclosing it.
  6. I will not request any PII from any student taking a test other than what is specifically required by ERB for identity verification.
  7. During testing, I will only communicate with the student to verify identity, provide testing policies and procedures, and respond to questions related specifically to testing and technical support.  I will not contact any student, parent, or guardian through social media or other communication channels except as authorized by my school.
  8. I will follow the instructions, terms, and conditions provided by ERB for my school regarding the online administration of the test.

Stay in touch

ERB and EMA continue to progress on their path to merge.