educators / writing

writing by erb

ERB is proud to offer member schools a suite of writing programs to support your classroom instruction, including writing assessments, writing practice, and vocabulary-building tools.

Already an ERB Member? Head to MyERB to make purchases, manage products and services, find resources, and much more.

Writing Assessment

for Grades 3-12
Better known as WrAP, the Writing Assessment Program measures student writing achievement to help classroom teachers pinpoint their students’ writing strengths and weaknesses. WrAP is complemented with WRIIT, a companion library of instructional tools and resources. Together, WrAP and WRIIT offer ERB Members a comprehensive, one-of-a-kind writing program!

ERB Writing Practice

for Grades 3-12
Strong writing skills are critical to successful futures. Our ERB Writing Practice program enables individual students to work on their writing skills at their own pace. Guided by classroom instruction, Writing Practice provides the individualized tools and lessons students need to improve their writing from anywhere.

Word Voyage Vocabulary Builder

for Grades 4-12
Students with increased academic vocabularies achieve greater reading comprehension, more enjoyment of reading, superior writing, and higher standardized test scores. Help your students improve their diction with this easy-to-use online program accessible anywhere, anytime.

Become a Member School

An ERB membership is being a part of a global community of educators and access to ERB experts who can help you understand and—more importantly—activate your students’ assessment data to help every student achieve their learning goals.

Become a Member School

An ERB membership is being a part of a global community of educators and access to ERB experts who can help you understand and—more importantly—activate your students’ assessment data to help every student achieve their learning goals.

Want more information about our writing products?

(800) 989-3721
Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm EST

Related Reading

How Different Assessments and Measures Can Help Inform Student Growth

To get a holistic view of the multiple factors that can foster or impede student growth, educators can leverage several different types of assessment to track students’ academic achievement and well-being across multiple dimensions. […] read more

How Data-Driven Decision-Making Helps Drive School Improvement

As an educator, assessment data can help inform your decision-making, support your reaccreditation efforts, and help you develop a culture of continuous improvement. […] read more

Examining the Factors That Impact Social and Emotional Skills: Data from ERB SelfWise

The findings of an ERB pilot study of more than 2,000 students offer important lessons for educators and school leaders as they build and iterate social and emotional skill development programs. […] read more

Become a member

An ERB membership unlocks access to our portfolio of assessments and measurement tools to better understand the whole child and enables you to become part of a community of like-minded educators.
ERB and EMA continue to progress on their path to merge.