
The Value of Interim Assessments

By ERB Team / August 26, 2024

Interim assessments give educators and school leaders the touchpoints they need to assess individual, class, and grade-level performance, allowing them to adapt curricula and offer additional support throughout the school year. […] read more

Communicating Assessment Results with Students’ Families: 6 Tips for Educators

By ERB Team / December 15, 2023

Educators can use this list of key strategies to ensure students’ families have the necessary information and context about their assessment results. […] read more

5 Students, 5 Stories: What a Whole Child Perspective Reveals About Student Potential

By Tom Rochon / August 30, 2023

ERB Whole Child data visualizations provide a holistic snapshot of each student, offering insight into the factors that may foster or impede each students’ academic growth. […] read more

Our Whole Child Perspective on the School Mission

By Tom Rochon / August 30, 2023

ERB has developed a Whole Child Solution that combines insights into a student’s academic performance with an understanding of their sense of belonging and engagement in the school community. […] read more

Communicating with Parents and Families Before Test Day: ERB’s Tips for Educators

By ERB Team / July 25, 2023

We’ve compiled a list of tips and strategies to help enhance your communication with parents and families before achievement testing begins. […] read more

ERB Family Report: Engaging with Families to Enhance Student Growth

By Glenn Milewski / June 5, 2023

To help families understand the “bigger picture” behind their child’s assessment data, we are launching ERB Family Report to empower educators to present this information—including key findings and next steps—in a simple, digestible format. […] read more

How to Interpret the New Milestones Norms

By Glenn Milewski / September 14, 2022

After two years of administration, ERB determined that it collected sufficient data to construct norms based on actual Milestones test-takers. These norms better reflect students’ performance on Milestones and are more useful to members interpreting results. […] read more

An image of the new 360 Access for Comprehensives Group feature.

New Group Creation Tool for 360 Access for Comprehensives

By ERB Team / June 6, 2022

Introduction ERB is excited to announce a new feature in 360 Access for CTP and Milestones reporting. Schools now have the ability to create Groups of students for reporting purposes directly in 360 Access instead of creating Groups in the original Group Management feature in Member Profile. Any existing Groups you created in Member Profile will automatically migrate to the new 360 Access feature. Going forward, you will manage all Groups in 360 Access. The Group Management functionality in Member Profile will be turned off at the end of this school year, on June 30, 2022. Groups can be created […] read more

Testing Options During COVID

By ERB Team / January 13, 2022

With the recent surge in COVID cases, we know you may be considering changes to your testing plans as a result of the varying conditions in your community. We want you to know that our Member Services Directors, and ERB, are here to help and can support you and your community in the following ways: Safe and Convenient At-Home Testing – At-home testing options for CTP, Milestones, and SEL Insights. Quicker Interim Testing – Use our Milestones Assessment in lieu of CTP’s full battery. Complimentary SEL Education Tools – Enjoy one month of free access to our SEL Insights Curriculum. Contact your Member […] read more

Comprehensives Testing Update

By ERB Team / January 13, 2022

Browser Update for Comprehensives Testing For online Comprehensives testing, an updated version of the Windows Secure Browser is available.  The current version is  If you are running a previous version, no action is needed.  Your secure browser will automatically update to the current version the next time it is launched.  If you would prefer to manually update to the current version, download it at  For questions or assistance, please contact CTP Operations at (866) 683-2335 or (646) 503-2699.  Tagged in: […] read more

Latest Reading

What Is the ISEE Admission Test? 15 Frequently Asked Questions

The ISEE provides admission teams with objective data points that can benefit both schools – by helping them make admission decisions – and families, by ensuring they find the right school fit for their student. […] read more

Beyond Grades: Nurturing Growth at Parkview Baptist with ERB’s Whole Child Solution

For Parkview Baptist School, which piloted the Whole Child Solution in the 2022-2023 school year, the solution already offers critical insights into areas of strength and challenges. […] read more

How to Overcome Test Anxiety and Support Students Before an Assessment

Students with test anxiety show symptoms in situations involving academic evaluation, making it difficult to demonstrate their true knowledge and abilities. […] read more

Introducing NextGen Admission: ERB’s Equity-Driven Approach

ERB is focusing on the future of equity-driven admission assessment, tools, and other resources through an initiative we are calling NextGen Admission. […] read more

ERB and EMA are excited to announce their intent to merge.