Updated manuals for WrAP testing are now available on the home page and under the Resources tab. […] read more
ERB member schools and new contacts added to your ERB account will receive critical communications from ERB. This includes the monthly Insights Newsletter and important program or account updates. If you would like to make changes to this and select which communications you receive from ERB, please be sure to update your preferences in the communication preferences section of your member profile here. Below is a list of the communications we send: Membership – You are automatically opted in to receive important account information and updates, and cannot remove yourself from this, however you can unsubscribe yourself to further updates […] read more
Available Professional Development Workshops ERB provides professional development and speakers for schools, parent events, and conferences on a range of topics relating to data, insight, assessment, and social-emotional learning. Available workshops include: “Maximizing 360 Access” “Report Interpretation and Analysis 101” “Advanced Report Interpretation and Analysis” “Data Deep Dive: A Custom Look at Your Schools Data” ‘Finding the Sweet Spot: Maximizing the Use of Data to Gain Insight into Student Ability and Achievement” “Talking to Parents about Data” “Effectively Using Your Data: Creating Teacher Buy-In” “Social-Emotional Learning: Using Data and Programming to Develop Healthy Schools” We are also available for customized […] read more
ERB is here to help navigate these uncertain times. We know that the recent Covid surge is causing disruptions. ERB is here to help navigate these uncertain times. If you have test events scheduled in the next few weeks/months, we want to work with you to consider options for moving forward. Option One ERB can take over! ERB Administered ISEE At Home is a great option. Responding to feedback from our member schools, ERB is adding 3 special dates—across all 3 time zones—for ERB proctored ISEE At Home. Saturday, January 15, 2022 Saturday, January 22, 2022 Saturday, January 29, 2022 […] read more
Browser Update for Comprehensives Testing For online Comprehensives testing, an updated version of the Windows Secure Browser is available. The current version is If you are running a previous version, no action is needed. Your secure browser will automatically update to the current version the next time it is launched. If you would prefer to manually update to the current version, download it at http://ctponline.erblearn.org. For questions or assistance, please contact CTP Operations at (866) 683-2335 or (646) 503-2699. Tagged in: […] read more
ERB Launching Free Check-In Survey to Help Schools Quickly Gauge Student Well-Being Inspired by Character Lab’s Student Thriving Index, the quick survey includes academic, emotional and inclusion scales. ERB announced today that it has partnered with Character Lab to deploy elements of its Student Thriving Index in a 13-item Check-In Survey that will be available free to ERB member schools using our CTP or Milestones assessments. ERB’s survey design was informed by input from students and teachers at a cross-section of the organization’s member schools. “School leaders across the country have expressed the need for a quick way to understand […] read more
The Enrollment Management Association (EMA) and The Educational Records Bureau (ERB) are excited to announce the selection of Mike Flanagan as the CEO of the new organization that will be formed by their merger. Mike is a recognized leader in the independent school community and will bring more than 30 years of experience in nonprofit association and educational technology leadership to the new organization. […] read more
Among NAIS member schools that are also ERB members student learning has made a substantial recovery from the COVID disruption. Assessment data from the 2023-2024 school year show that the pace of student learning approximates pre-pandemic rates of growth in ELA and has exceeded pre-pandemic growth in Math. […] read more
As for any assessment, best demonstrating your knowledge on the ISEE also requires a strong set of test-taking skills, such as time management and answer choice elimination. Test-taking, like any skill, can be learned and improved through practice. […] read more
We are pleased to announce that the ERB and EMA boards have signed an affiliation agreement to make our merger official. This signing followed a unanimous vote by each board to approve the merger this fall. […] read more