What Is the ISEE Admission Test? 15 Frequently Asked Questions

By ERB Team / December 13, 2023

The ISEE provides admission teams with objective data points that can benefit both schools – by helping them make admission decisions – and families, by ensuring they find the right school fit for their student. […] read more

Latest Reading

ERB Conference 2023 to Feature New Tools that Support Whole Child Education

“Each child is a physical, mental and spiritual being, interlocked and intertwined, with each dimension significantly affecting the other two.” William Litterick More than 50 years ago, ERB President William Litterick wrote that assessments of […] read more

Spring 2023 CTP Norms Update

By Adrienne Hu and Glenn Milewski For the Spring 2023 reporting cycle, the rolling norm continues to use four consecutive years of data. CTP norms are typically updated annually for each reporting cycle (fall and […] read more

2023 Virtual Office Hours

Join ERB’s Member Services Directors for a series of virtual office hours to help you learn and maximize your use of ERB’s products and services. These full-length webinars will last 45-60 minutes, providing participants with […] read more

How to Interpret the New Milestones Norms

After two years of administration, ERB determined that it collected sufficient data to construct norms based on actual Milestones test-takers. These norms better reflect students’ performance on Milestones and are more useful to members interpreting results. […] read more

ERB and EMA are excited to announce their intent to merge.