“Each child is a physical, mental and spiritual being, interlocked and intertwined, with each dimension significantly affecting the other two.” William Litterick More than 50 years ago, ERB President William Litterick wrote that assessments of learning must focus on “what children are rather than what they are not. … Each child is a physical, mental and spiritual being, interlocked and intertwined, with each dimension significantly affecting the other two.” Today we call this a whole child perspective, one that recognizes the connections between a student’s sense of self-worth, their sense of belonging in the school community, and the likelihood of […] read more
ERB Whole Child data visualizations provide a holistic snapshot of each student, offering insight into the factors that may foster or impede each students’ academic growth. […] read more
ERB has developed a Whole Child Solution that combines insights into a student’s academic performance with an understanding of their sense of belonging and engagement in the school community. […] read more
As a member-driven organization, we’re committed to providing professional development services to better meet our members’ needs and support them in their use of ERB’s products and services. […] read more
ERB’s Head of School Report is designed specifically for school leadership teams seeking an interpretative summary of their ERB assessment results to guide strategic planning and evaluation. […] read more