educators / Comprehensives / Assessment Norms

Assessment Norms

With CTP, Milestones, and other assessments from ERB, you can compare your students' academic performance and growth over time against a variety of norms. These norms provide objective reference groups against which you can benchmark your students as individual learners and cohorts.

ctp and milestones

National Norm (NN)

For Levels 3 through 10 for CTP and Levels 3 through 8 for Milestones for spring and fall test-takers. Winter norms for Milestones are a statistical averaging or "mashup" of fall and spring norms.
NN permit comparisons of individual or group performance with the national population, with schools in all 50 states in areas including: urban, rural, suburban, large and small, high and low socioeconomic groups.

Independent Norm (IN)

Available for Levels 1 through 10 for spring and fall test-takers. Winter norms for Milestones are a statistical averaging or "mashup" of fall and spring norms.
The average of the most recent three years of testing by independent school CTP users across the U.S. and Canada.

Local Norms

Available for the district (DN), if applicable, the grade (GN), or the class (CN). District, class, and grade norms are not reported on parent reports.
Enables comparison of an individual student with his or her cohort group.

Association Norm

Represents a self-defined group of schools in a region, an association, or a consortium of schools with common interests or student populations.
Average of the most recent three years of testing by the schools in the association.

International Norm (OI)

All overseas international schools are included in the norms base. All CTP users outside the US are automatically included in the norm.
The average of the most recent three years of testing by schools.
Does not apply to U.S.-based schools

writing assessment

Writing Assessment Program (WrAP)


Student essays are scored using ERB's 6-trait, 5-point rubric informed by the expectations for each grade level and the development expected in the relevant genre. Comparative data is based upon results of each norm group over the last two or three years by genre and grade, depending upon the prompt type.  
Mean total raw scores are provided in reports for Independent and Suburban (and, where applicable, International) norm groups for comparative analysis. Your school has the option to select which comparison groups' data to include on Parent or Teacher Individual Student Reports.  Comparative data is seen in all Summary reports as they are designed for school use. 
WrAP users may learn more about all data through our Guides to Reports and the Guide to Understanding Proficiency Levels and Scale Scores found under Resources on the WrAP Portal.

Independent Norm (IN)

Available for levels 3 through 12 for spring and fall test-takers.
Three-year rolling norms of independent ERB member schools who administer WrAP in the U.S.

Local Norm (LN)

Available for the district (if applicable), the school (grade), or the class. District, grade, and class norms are not included on parent reports.

Suburban Norm (SN)

Available for levels 3 through 12 for spring and fall test-takers.
Two-year rolling norms of suburban public ERB member schools who administer WrAP in the U.S.

International Norm (OI)

All international schools are included in the norms base.
Two-year rolling norms of ERB member schools who administer the WrAP outside the U.S.
Does not apply to U.S.-based schools.

Want more information about norms?

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