educators / comprehensive assessments / ctp


For Grades 1-11
The Comprehensive Testing Program (CTP) is a summative assessment for students in Grades 1-11 covering reading, listening, vocabulary, writing, mathematics, and science. Verbal and quantitative reasoning subtests are part of the CTP beginning in Grade 3. The CTP helps educators assess content-specific, curriculum-based performance alongside reasoning ability and conceptual knowledge.
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By testing hundreds of thousands of students each year, CTP offers incredibly strong norm pools at the national and independent school levels.


Back by over 95 years of experience developing powerful educational tools, CTP is the primary achievement assessment used by independent schools around the world.


Results are available on our 360 Access data reporting platform. Our dedicated team of experts is always ready to offer personalized support and professional development.

Empowering Educators, Supporting Families

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Flexible Administration Options

CTP is available in both paper and online formats and can be administered to students in school or remotely to students at home. 

Timely Reporting in 360 Access

CTP results are available quickly and can be meaningfully explored in our interactive ERB 360 Access data reporting platform to inform instruction and help students achieve learning goals.

Multi-Dimensional Insights

Starting in Grade 3, separate CTP reasoning and achievement subtests provide greater insight into each student’s academic growth, assessing attained knowledge alongside reasoning.

Introducing CTP test practice with Kahoot!

ERB’s partnership with Kahoot! creates an engaging learning resource for teachers and students by combining the Kahoot! game-based quiz platform with ERB's expertise in educational assessment. Kahoot! quizzes help students hone their reasoning skills and conceptual knowledge with practice questions that enable educators to measure specific ERB standards aligned with independent school learning objectives.

Kahoot! Quizzes Now Available


Quantitative Reasoning

Numerical Comparisons
Geometric Comparisons
Measurement Comparisons
Arithmetic Extensions and Generalizations
Geometric Extensions and Generalizations
Real-Life Pattern Extensions and Generalizations
Interpret Symbolic Representations
Evaluate Statistical Arguments
Geometric Transformations

Verbal Reasoning

Word Relationships
Relationship Definitions
Word Group Fit
Word Group Theme
Deductive Reasoning
Inductive Reasoning

Whole child. Whole potential.

With the ERB Whole Child Solution, you can bundle our assessments of learning achievement (CTP + Milestones) with our Check-In Survey on student well-being at school and SelfWise, our student self-report inventory on social and emotional skills.

Testing Options

Spring or Fall Administration

CTP can be administered once a year in the fall or as a summative assessment in the spring. Schools also have the option of bundling CTP with our Milestones interim assessments to adjust their instruction throughout the year.

Paper or Online Tests

CTP was designed to meet every classroom's needs with flexible online or paper administrations. Test students individually, in small groups, or as whole classes–with CTP, it's easy to set up test administrations on-demand.

In-School or At-Home

For educators seeking additional flexibility, including classes engaged in remote learning, we offer CTP testing both at home and in school. This option lets you securely measure your students' academic growth from home, keeping them academically on track.


With CTP, educators can pick and choose the subtests that are important to their schools. Available subtests include:

Reading ComprehensionGrades 1-11
MathematicsGrades 1-11
Word AnalysisGrades 1-2
Auditory ComprehensionGrades 1-3
Writing MechanicsGrades 2-11
Writing Concepts and SkillsGrades 3-11
Verbal ReasoningGrades 3-11
Quantitative ReasoningGrades 3-11
VocabularyGrades 4-11
Science (Online Test Only)Grades 3-9
Algebra IGrades 7-9


In general, ERB does not prescribe the accommodations that schools may provide to students taking the CTP or Milestones. These decisions are left to the discretion of each school. Schools are typically advised to follow any existing accommodation protocol that a student may receive for other in-class assignments or tests. Schools should follow a student's 504 plan  or IEP plan, where applicable, for guidance on what accommodations to provide. 

Better Together: CTP + Milestones

ERB Milestone Assessments are interim assessments for Grades 3-8 that are administered twice a year when used in conjunction with CTP. Schools have the option of supplementing CTP with Milestones to provide eduators with additional opportunities to fine-tune instruction throughout the school year. Schools can also opt to select a standalone Milestones package for administration three times a year.

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An ERB membership unlocks access to our portfolio of assessments and measurement tools to better understand the whole child and enables you to become part of a community of like-minded educators.
ERB and EMA continue to progress on their path to merge.